Codes of Practice in SPADE Center

1. No smoking, eating or drinking.
2. Equipment users should limit their guest helper to two persons only.
3. No littering or spitting.
4. No naked flame.
5. Only authorized and trained users can operate equipment or machine in the Center.
6. Any person who enters SPADE Center should take care of their personal belongings.

1. Keep the equipment and environment clean and tidy.
2. Sign out the log book after completing job request.
3. Report any actual or potential damage to equipment.
4. Report any potential safety or health hazards.
5. Report immediately when there is an accident.
6. Use suitable personal protective equipment.
7. Follow all safety instructions from SPADE Center's staff.

1. Go to the chemical etching area without prior permission from SPADE Center's staff.
2. Operate equipment or machine without the presence of SPADE Center's staff.
3. Use instruments, office equipment or facilities without prior permission from SPADE Center's staff.
4. Damage equipment or tools.
5. Take away any property of SPADE Center without prior permission from SPADE Center's staff.
6. Wear sandals or shorts.
7. Make excessive noise.
8. Disturb any SPADE Center's staff or other customers in the Center.

Rev11(03 Aug 2005)

Chinese Version

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